All-Time Top 10 Catholic Entrance Songs

All-Time Top 10 Catholic Entrance Songs 

1. "All Are Welcome" by Marty Haugen - This song is a welcoming invitation to all people to gather and worship together. It emphasizes the inclusive nature of the Catholic Church and invites everyone to come together as one community in Christ.

2. "City of God" by Dan Schutte - This song reminds us that we are all citizens of the kingdom of God and that we are called to strive for a better world, just as Jesus did during his time on earth.

3. "Gather Us In" by Marty Haugen - This song is an invitation to come together as a community of believers and to be open to the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. It reminds us that we are all part of a larger family of faith.

4. "Here I Am, Lord" by Dan Schutte - This song emphasizes the importance of responding to God's call in our lives and being willing to do his will. It invites us to be open to the ways in which God is calling us to serve him and to be his disciples.

5. "I Will Choose Christ" by Tom Booth - This song emphasizes the importance of making a conscious decision to follow Christ and to put our trust in him. It reminds us that we have the power to choose to live a life of faith and to commit ourselves to serving God.

6. "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee" by Ludwig van Beethoven - This song is a hymn of praise to God and celebrates the joy and beauty of creation. It reminds us of the greatness of God and invites us to join in the chorus of praise and adoration.

7. "O God, Our Help In Ages Past" by Isaac Watts - This song is a reminder of God's faithfulness throughout history and encourages us to put our trust in him. It reminds us that God has been our help in the past and will continue to be our help in the future.

8. "Sing a New Song" by Dan Schutte - This song is a call to celebrate the newness of life that comes through Christ. It reminds us that we have been given a new life through our faith in Jesus and invites us to sing a new song of praise to God.

9. "The King of Glory" by Tom Booth - This song celebrates the glory and majesty of God and reminds us that he is the king of kings and lord of lords. It invites us to join in the chorus of praise and adoration and to give thanks for all that God has done for us.

10. "We Are Called" by David Haas - This song is an invitation to follow Jesus and to live out our faith in our daily lives. It reminds us that we are all called to be disciples of Christ and to share his love and message with the world.

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