The Lord's Prayer (Lyrics and Chords) (Malotte)
Song Title "The Lord's Prayer"
Recorded by Johnny Mathis
Music written by Albert Hay Malotte
C G7 C Dm G7
Our Father which art in hea-ven
C Dm C
Hallowed be Thy name
Am Em Am D7 E7
Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done
Am F C G7 C
On earth as it is in hea-ven
F C F C Dm G7 C
Give us this day our da-ily bread
Am B7
And forgive us our debts
Am B7
As we forgive our debtors
C Dm
And lead us not into temptation
D7 G7
But deliver us from evil
For Thine is the Kingdom
D7 Dm C Dm
And the power and the glory for-ev-er
G7 C
2017 | Catholic Songbook
Recorded by Johnny Mathis
Music written by Albert Hay Malotte
C G7 C Dm G7
Our Father which art in hea-ven
C Dm C
Hallowed be Thy name
Am Em Am D7 E7
Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done
Am F C G7 C
On earth as it is in hea-ven
F C F C Dm G7 C
Give us this day our da-ily bread
Am B7
And forgive us our debts
Am B7
As we forgive our debtors
C Dm
And lead us not into temptation
D7 G7
But deliver us from evil
For Thine is the Kingdom
D7 Dm C Dm
And the power and the glory for-ev-er
G7 C
2017 | Catholic Songbook
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