This Time With You (Lyrics)

Music, lyrics & arrangement: Paulo K. Tirol

I take a breath and close my eyes,
And slow my world down for just a while,
And in the stillness, I see You before me.
I let myself go, and open my heart to You

In this special time.
With you, in this secret time.
With you, in this sacred time.
I can't help but fall in love
In this time with You

I love this time with You.
Only You,
Cause no one else could know me better,
No one else's heart is closer,
No one's whispers wake such wonder as Yours do.
And nothing else can make me stronger,
Nothing fills my heart with fire.
Nothing but our time together, me and You.
How I love this secret, sacred time with You.

Your arms so strong, are my strength too,
Your tight embrace, says “I'm with you.”
Your touch so gentle says through all that's changing.
Through whens, wheres and whys,
The one thing that's sure is You

(Pre-chorus and refrain)

Your heart to mine, we converse in the silence
Where so much is said wordlessly.
Lost in Your rapture, I gladly surrender,
Letting Your love move in me
With this time with You


How I love this secret, sacred time
How I love this secret, sacred time
How I love this secret, sacred time with You

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