Song Title "Amen" Sinugboanon/Cebuano Music by Narcisa Fernandez Category: Great Amen Intro: G G Em Amen, aleluya, C D7 amen, aleluya, G Em Am amen, alelu-alelu- D7 G ale-lu-ya. 2018 Catholic Songbook
Catholic Songbook™ provides a collection of Catholic songs, hymns, and liturgical music for use in worship, prayer, and personal devotion. It features a wide range of traditional and contemporary Catholic songs in different languages, including English, Tagalog, and Spanish.
It is an excellent resource for parishes, choirs, and musicians looking for high-quality Catholic music to incorporate into their worship services. It also serves as a valuable tool for individuals seeking to deepen their faith and enhance their prayer life through music.
With its user-friendly design and extensive collection of Catholic songs, is a valuable resource for anyone looking to enhance their Catholic music repertoire and experience the beauty and richness of Catholic liturgical music.
Disclaimer: The lyrics posted in this website are properties of respective artists and labels we do not own and do not claim it as ours.
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