He Has Come (Lyrics and Chords)

[Memorial Acclamation]
Intro: (4/4) D G D Dsus D
              D                         F#m      
He has come that we may live 
D           C                      A 
and live our lives to the full 
            Bm                                        F#m 
so the sons of God should have no fear of living 
                G         A                              D G Dsus D  
when the Son of God has shown the way. 
               D                       F#m              
He has died and He has risen 
       D        C                       A
And for certain He will come again 
            Bm                     F#m 
So the sons of God should have no fear of living 
                 G          A                            D G D A7-D 
When the Son of God has shown the way. 

2013 | Catholic Songbook™

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